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Poster of The Music Lovers
Poster of The Music Lovers
7.2 IMDb Rating: 7.2
2 posters

The Music Lovers

The Music Lovers
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Composer, conductor and teacher Peter Ilych Tchaikovsky struggles against his homosexual tendencies by marrying, but unfortunately he chooses a wonky, nymphomaniac girl whom he cannot satisfy.
Country Great Britain
Runtime 2 hours 3 minutes
Production year 1971
World premiere January 24, 1971
Release date
February 12, 1971 France 16
February 25, 1971 Great Britain 15
Also known as
The Music Lovers, La otra cara del amor, La symphonie pathétique, The Lonely Heart, De pathetische symfonie, Delírio de Amor, Ken Russell's Film on Tchaikovsky and the Music Lovers, Kochankowie muzyki, Koibito-tachi no kyoku/Hisô, L'altra faccia dell'amore, La pasión de vivir, La passió de viure, Listir & Losti, Los amantes de la música, Music Lovers, Music Lovers - La Symphonie pathétique, Musiikin rakastajia, Oi aionioi erastes, Opus 74, Tchaikovsky - The Music Lovers, Tchaikovsky, Delírio de Amor, The Music Lovers of het leven van Tchaikovsky, Tschaikowsky - Genie und Wahnsinn, Yalnız kalpler, Zenerajongók, Влюбени в музиката, Любители музыки, 恋人たちの曲 悲愴
Richard Chamberlain
Richard Chamberlain
Glenda Jackson
Glenda Jackson
Cast and Crew

Film rating

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7.2 IMDb
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2025, USA / Germany, Adventure, Drama, Family
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2025, USA, Action, Thriller
2025, USA, Thriller
2024, Armenia,
2024, Armenia, Drama
2025, USA, Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi
2024, France, Biography, Drama, Music
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